It's so over...😞

May There Be Light

May 11, 2024

Last Friday night, I recieved a text from my brother – a photo that he had taken of the Northern Lights. To my knowledge, the Lights have never made an appearance in Pennsylvania remotely within my lifetime.

After I saw his photo, I immediately walked outside to see if the Lights were visible from my house, but the lights of the town were obstructing the view. Knowing that I may never have the opportunity to see this again, I got dressed, grabbed a bag with my camera, and a beer, and a few cigarettes, and went with a friend to try to get a better view.

Between this incident and the total solar eclipse that happened last month, Pennsylvania has definitely been the place to witness heavenly phenomena so far this year.

After getting out of town a little ways, we did find the Lights, and we took some photos. This is one scenario where it would have been nice to shoot with a wider lens, as my 58mm Soviet-era Helios didn’t do the best job at capturing the landscapes at hand, but I tried to pull off a few decent shots.

Though, now I wonder if this is only the first time that this Soviet lens has seen the Northern Lights.

Canon T3i. Helios 44M-4 58mm, f2.

May 10, 2024

Canon T3i. Helios 44M-4 58mm, f2.
Canon T3i. Helios 44M-4 58mm, f2.

Auction Today.

Canon T3i. Helios 44M-4 58mm, f2.
Canon T3i. Helios 44M-4 58mm, f2.


Canon T3i. Helios 44M-4 58mm, f2.
Canon T3i. Helios 44M-4 58mm, f2.

Christmas Tree.

Canon T3i. Helios 44M-4 58mm, f2.

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