Gallery Down for Maintenance

February 22, 2024

Several days ago, I noticed that my Gallery page wasn’t rendering correctly for some reason.

Well, as it turns out, Hugo got a pretty big update just a few days ago that included several breaking changes. One of these changes was in regards to how Hugo treats html files in the /content directory.

Unlike all of the other index pages on my website, the Gallery was written in plain html. At the time, it was easier to keep the styling I wanted for the page (namely, the photo “cards” and captions,) by writing it in html, rather than coming up with a shortcode to handle it or something. This worked fine for months, but now after these new changes, my Gallery page no longer renders correctly. Hugo appears to be taking my index.html and reading the whole thing as Content, then runs it through my baseof.html, as if it were a normal Markdown file.

After this recent push, I’m probably gonna have to tinker with the page a little bit to make it render properly again. Supposedly this “issue” can be circumvented by simply adding some front matter to the html file. Though, I can’t seem to get that to work on my five hours of sleep from last night.

At the very least, it will give me something to work on over the weekend.

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